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Advertising opportunities


Why advertise with decanter.com?

  • Established
  • Credible
  • Unique content
  • The hard facts

    How to advertise on decanter.com

  • Shopping Mall
  • Buttons
  • Microsites
  • Special promotion
  • Banners
  • Popups
  • Email newsletter
  • Advertorials
  • Sponsorship
  • Competitions
  • Ratecard

    How to advertise on Decanter magazine

  • Producer profiles
  • Advertorials
  • Classifieds
  • Competitions
  • Ratecard

    The Decanter World Wine Awards

  • Sponsorship

    Production Specifications


    Glossary of Internet terms

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    Decanter magazine was founded in 1975. We write about wines and spirits from everywhere in the world. The editorial is written from the consumer’s point of view, but the magazine is read by both wine trade and consumers. Advertising agencies use us for both trade and consumer advertising campaigns.

    Decanter Magazine is currently being actively promoted to all the independent UK wine retailers. We will have a presence at all the major wine fairs throughout the world to back up our current subscription and marketing drive.

    The Launch

    decanter.com was launched in January 1999, extending the Decanter brand to web users across the globe.

    The decanter.com site registers nearly 500,000 page impressions per month. On average, each visitor to the site views five pages and one decanter.com page is viewed every five seconds.

    Main sections of the site include:

    Wine news – up-to-the minute daily reports

    Recommendations – all Decanter magazine’s tastings are posted online

    Wine Finder – find that elusive wine or just browse through hundreds of tasting notes and ratings

    Decanter World Wine Awards – enter wines, view the results and read about the world’s best wine competition

    Competitions – win fantastic prizes from winemaking in Australia to trips to Chile

    Wine courses and clubs

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    decanter.com presents an additional and complementary avenue for your company to reach Decanter readers.

    As you are probably aware consumer confidence in shopping online is growing steadily as more people dip their toes in the water and have a positive experience.

    Are you and your customers beginning to appreciate the convenience and value for money that online offers?

    No doubt as a business owner you spent a lot of money on your website, on getting it up and running and just right to promote your company as best as possible.

    You probably have listed it on various search engines. Ultimately it is there to sell your products. Why not let decanter.com help you reach those online buyers?

    Countrylife.co.uk is a vehicle similar to a magazine for you promote your website, your company, your services and products to the right audience.

    When you choose in which publications you advertise you spend a lot of time judging: is it the right audience, is it cost effective and will it give me a return on my investment?

    When advertising your company on the web with different websites it should be no different.

    Do they spend the same amount of time on your site?

    Let countrylife.co.uk help drive the traffic and sales through to your own site.

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    Why advertise with Countrylife.co.uk?


    Countrylife was launched in November 1999. Unlike many other publisher online versions of their publications it has survived the dot.com boom and crash. It has become a recognised extension of the Countrylife brand and is marketed as such.


    It has grown and developed in to an even more exclusive read to its print counterpart. It has value not only for its reader but also its advertisers. Well respected 3-year-old title.

    Unique Content

    Editorially as sound as Country Life magazine.

    Updated daily

    Regional news


    Countrylife.co.uk has become the essential online reference point for people with an interest in English country living, offering advertisers a means of targeting the elusive group of affluent country homeowners and dwellers.

    The Hard Facts

    The average Countrylife.co.ukuser spends 9-10 minutes on the site. Do they spend the same time on your site?

    57% of Countrylife.co.uk users made a purchase as a result of seeing an advertisement.

    64% have purchased online.

    70% of Country Life magazine readers are aware of Countrylife.co.uk

    51% of users often visit websites covering shopping.

    65% of Countrylife.co.uk users have internet access, well above the national average.

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    How to advertise on Countrylife.co.uk

    There are many ways to associate your company with countrylife.co.uk, from a directory enhancement to a sponsorship of a specific page. Below are some examples of options available to your company.

    If you would like further information on countrylife.co.uk and the online opportunities we offer, please call:

    Paul Hylden – Tel: 020 7261 7392 or email: paul_hylden@ipcmedia.com

    Advertising methods:

    Shopping Village



    Special promotion



    Email newsletter




    Shopping Village

    In a nutshell, the Shopping Village is an area of the website where visitors can access a host of goods and services online to purchase. The user just clicks on the relevant company logo, picture and text and is immediately connected through to your website where they can order goods and pay the company directly.

    How can it benefit my company?

    Country Life is a well-known and trusted household name, which for many years have connected readerswith their advertisers. The same is true of our websites – our visitors relate to the products advertised online and are not afraid to purchase on the internet.

    The following Ratecard explains how you can enhance your presence within the website, generate additional enquires, promote your company’s corporate image and drive traffic to your homepage.

    A Bronze enhancement costs œ100 per month and entitles you to listing your name, address, telephone, fax numbers, website link, an e-mail link, your company logo and a 25-word description.

    A Silver enhancement costs œ150 per month entitles you to listing your name, address, telephone, fax numbers, website link, an e-mail link, your company logo and a 50 word description.

    A Gold enhancement costs œ200 per month and incorporates the full package of web and e-mail links plus a logo and a comprehensive description totalling 100 words.

    Within our bespoke Platinum Plus, we can offer you a wide range of additional options including larger graphics, key positions at the top of listings, microsites and much more besides.

    Talk to us about how we can place you at the core of the UK’s most important country lifeestyle database. Contact Paul Hylden.

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    They are excellent for building your brand, driving traffic to your site, and particularly effective when used in conjunction with a marketing programme.

    They are very cost-effective ad tool that can be targeted towards any specific areas of Countrylife.co.uk. Starting from around œ300 per month.

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

    Button Example

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    Microsites are bespoke corporate mini-sites that can range from the elegantly simple to the truly dramatic.

    They are linked to a banner or button.

    Special Offer:

    In order to maximise your exposure below are 3 different options available to any potential advertiser:

    Option 1: Button on the Home/Property page and any other relevant section. The button can click through to any section on your website.

    Option2: Above plus a listing in our Shopping Village. Country Life will set up a dedicated section to reflect the nature of your products.

    Option 3: Above plus a co-branded microsite to feature on the right hand navigation bar. Please ask for costs!

    It is suggested that campaigns are either booked for 3/6/12 months. Any campaign booked for 6 months will receive a 10% discount and all campaigns booked for 12 months will receive 20% of list price. The Country Life Online team looks forward to discussing these options with you.

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

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    Banners are the standard currency of Internet advertising. They are excellent for building your brand, driving traffic to your site, and particularly effective when used in conjunction with a marketing programme.

    There are two ways of ordering banners on Countrylife.co.uk:

    Premier positions

    The most popular and prestigious pages on Countrylife are premier positions, equivalent to the outside back or inside front covers of the magazine. These include the homepages and Property pages.

    Per Thousand

    The alternative is to purchase banners on the basis of how many thousand times a month you want the advert to be seen. This offers extremely accountable advertising, with companies able to ascertain exactly how hard their money is working for them.

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

    Banner Example


    After standard banners and expandable banners, Popups are a very popular advertising format. A window or image is launched when the user first logs on to CountryLife.co.uk. To remove them the user has to physically close them.

    They are perceived to be intrusive, however, this is the main reason why so many companies use them, as the user has no choice in being exposed to the advertiser’s message.

    Popups are sold in the same way as banners.

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.


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    Email newsletter

    Every Thursday without fail countrylife.co.uk currently sends out 9,000 email newsletters to our dedicated users. Sponsorship of the newsletter consists of a banner at the top and a 50-word description with contact details at the bottom of the email. Cost – œ40 per 1000 names.

    Please ask for the latest figures.

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

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    Countrylife.co.uk is editorially very closely linked to the Print brand. As a general rule Countrylife.co.uk closelyfollows the Special Numbers schedule for the magazine. But, with the with the added benefit that we are able to update our content on a daily basis, therefore being a lot more responsive to our customers needs and breaking stories.

    Not only does this allow you to plan your schedule for the up-comingyear off-line but now also online.

    So what does this mean for you the advertiser?

    Any press release or new product ranges that you want to release to Countrylife.co.uk customers you can now achieve in a matter of a day or so. Countrylife.co.uk is very happy to look at ways to incorporate this with the rest of our content.

    Ever wanted to have editorial in the magazine, but have been unable to afford or accomplish it?

    At Countrylife.co.uk you will find this less of an obstacle to overcome, at countrylife.co.uk all your press releases are always welcome. The best and the most effective way to do this would be to run this in conjunction with an advertising campaign supporting the editorial.

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

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    Sponsorship is a great tool for a company to closely associate themselves with Country Life and is very popular with large corporations. Marsh Insurance has used this format toprovide CountryLife.co.uk content and links to their online offering: – ‘Country Life Insurance in association with Marsh’

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

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    If you have an idea of your own or would like us to come up with creative, we can produce a shopping list of innovative solutions.

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

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    Format Cost per 1,000 page impressions

    Jump Pages £50

    Expanding Banner £50

    Banner £40

    Button £30

    Pop-up £50

    Shopping Village

    Bronze Package œ100 per calendar Month

    Silver Package œ150 per calendar Month

    Gold Package œ200 per calendar Month

    Platinum Package Bespoke

    Enhanced Visibility and Sponsorship

    Microsites From œ300 – œ2,500 to build

    Email Newsletter œ1,000 per run

    Sponsorship, Competitions & Advertorials Bespoke

    Contact Paul Hylden for more information.

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    Production Specifications

    Banners – 468(w) x 60 (h) pixels

    Buttons – 120(w) x 60 (h) pixels

    Bespoke Banners and Buttons

    Banners from œ300 to create

    Buttons from œ200 to create


    Prices start from œ300 per template (2.5 days to 3 days work) plus œ15 per subsequent page on the same template 1 to 2 hours work), provided that the client provides all required material in .txt and.doc format (text) and .jpg and .gif format (images).

    If the material arrives in Quark / other format, there is a œ200 conversion charge (1 day’s work, plus research and software / font installation). If there are images to be scanned in, there is a charge of œ4 per scan.

    Rich Media Guidelines

    Country Life Online is able to accept the majority of rich media formats: e.g.: animated gifs, Enliven, image maps, Flash, html forms and Java applets.

    A maximum of 12k per banner and 8k per button is acceptable.

    All advertisers must provide us with the destination (click through) URL for all ads.

    It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that any destination URL is working.

    Advertising Copy

    All advertising Gif copy must be received at least 24 hours before the campaign goes live.

    We also require notice for any subsequent changes to creative during a campaign.

    All rich media needs to be received with at least 5 working days notice.

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    Glossary of Internet Terms

    Ad Clicks Number of times users click on an ad banner.

    Ad Click Rate Sometimes referred to as “click-through,” this is the percentage of ad views that resulted in an ad click.

    Ad Views

    (Impressions) Number of times an ad banner is downloaded and presumably seen by visitors. If the same ad appears on multiple pages simultaneously, this statistic may understate the number of ad impressions, due to browser caching. Corresponds to net impressions in traditional media. There is currently no way of knowing if an ad was actually loaded. Most servers record an ad as served even if it was not.

    B2B B2B stands for “business-to-business,” as in businesses doing business with other businesses. The term is most commonly used in connection with e-commerce and advertising, when you are targeting businesses as opposed to consumers.

    Banner An ad on a Web page that is usually “hot-linked” to the advertiser’s site.

    Button Button is the term used to reflect an Internet advertisement smaller than the traditional banner. Buttons are square in shape and usually located down the left or right side of the site. The IAB and CASIE have recognized these sizes as the most popular and most accepted on the Internet:

    Click through The percentage of ad views that resulted in an ad click.

    CPC Cost-per-click is an Internet marketing formula used to price ad banners. Advertisers will pay Internet publishers based on the number of clicks a specific ad banner gets. Cost usually runs in the range of $.10 -.$20 per click.

    CPM CPM is the cost per thousand for a particular site. A Web site that charges $15,000 per banner and guarantees 600,000 impressions has a CPM of $25 ($15,000 divided by 600). For more information on the average CPM rates of sites around the Web, check the Sample Rate Page, and the results of the latest AdRelevance rate card survey.

    Domain Name The unique name of an Internet site; for example www.cyberatlas.com. There are six top-level domains widely used in the US: .com (commercial) .edu (educational),.net (network operations), .gov (US government), .mil (US military) and .org (organization). Other, two letter domains represent countries; thus; .uk for the United Kingdom and so on.

    Hit Each time a Web server sends a file to a browser, it is recorded in the server log file as a “hit”. Hits are generated for every element of a requested page (including graphics, text and interactive items). If a page containing two graphics is viewed by a user, three hits will be recorded – one for the page itself and one for each graphic. Webmasters use hits to measure their server’s work load. Because page designs vary greatly, hitsare a poor guide for traffic measurement.

    Host An Internet host used to be a single machine connected to the Internet (which meant it had a unique IP address). As a host it made available to other machines on the network certain services. However virtual hosting has now meant that one physical host can now be actually many virtual hosts.

    Interstitial Meaning in between, an advertisement that appears in a separate browser window while you wait for a Web page to load. Interstitials are more likely to contain large graphics, streaming presentations, and applets than conventional banner ads, and some studies have found that more users click on interstitials than on banner ads. Some users, however, have complained thatinterstitials slow access to destination pages.

    IP address Internet Protocal address. Every system connected to the Internet has a unique IP address, which consists of a number in the format A.B.C.Dwhere each of the four sections is a decimalnumber from 0 to 255. Most people use Domain Names instead and theresolution betweenDomain Names and IP addresses is handled by the network and the Domain Name Servers. With virtual hosting, a single machine can act like multiple machines (with multiple domain names and IP addresses).

    ISDN Integrated Services DigitalNetwork is a digital network that moves up to 128,000 bits-per-second over a regular phone line at nearly the same cost as a normal phone call.

    Jump Page A jump page, also known as a “splash page,” is a special page set up for visitors who clicked on a link in an advertisement. For example, by clicking on an ad for Site X, visitors go to a page in Site X that continues the message used in the advertising creative. The jump page can be used to promote special offers or to measure the response to an advertisement.

    Link An electronic connection between two Web sites (also called “hot link”).

    Opt-in e-mail Opt-in email lists are lists where Internet users have voluntarily signed up to receive commercial e-mail about topics of interest.

    Page Views Number of times a user requests a page that may contain a particular ad. Indicative of the number of times an ad was potentially seen, or “gross impressions.” Page views may overstate ad impressions if users choose to turn off graphics (done to speed browsing).

    Rich Media Rich media is a term for advanced technology used in Internet ads, such as streaming video, applets that allow user interaction, and special effects.

    Sticky “Sticky” sites are those where the visitors stay for an extended period of time. For instance, a banking site that offers a financial calculator is stickier than on that doesn’t because visitors do not have to leave to find a resource they need.

    Unique Users The number of different individuals who visit a site within a specific time period. To identify unique users, Web sites rely on some form of user registration or identification system.

    Visits A sequence of requests made by one user at one site. If a visitor does not request any new information for a period of time, known as the “time-out” period, then the next request by the visitor is considered a new visit. To enable comparisons among sites, I/PRO uses a 30-minute time-out.

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    Advertising contacts for COUNTRY LIFE and COUNTRY LIFE Online

    For online Advertising and Sponsorship enquiries please contact:

    Paul Hylden


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 6495

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5918

    For online and print Property Advertising enquiries please contact the advertising team on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 7008

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5202

    For International Property Advertising enquiries please contact Kay Wood on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 5424

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5202

    For U.S. Property, Display and Fine Art Advertising please contact Kate Buckley at Email: buckley@moveworld.com

    Tel: 845-266-4980

    Fax: 845-266-4988

    For display advertising please contact Joanna May on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 5900

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5202

    For value added Property Advertising services (such as brochures or leaflets) please contact Tara Parsons on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 7225

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5202

    For Antiques Advertising please contact David Asher on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 5625

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5202

    or Jonathan Hearn on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 5654

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5918

    For Classified Advertising please contact Ann Ashton on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 5369

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 6579

    For Consumer Advertising Enquiries please contact Katharine Wilkinson on:


    Tel: 44 (0)20 7261 6375

    Fax: 44 (0)20 7261 5918

    Postal Address:

    COUNTRY LIFE Magazine

    21st Floor

    King’s Reach Tower

    Stamford Street


    SE1 9LS

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