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Spanish wineries provide supplies for Coronavirus effort

Equipment and facilities given over to produce 3D-printed face masks and hand-sanitiser...

Spanish producers Torres and Gonzalez Byass have stepped up to help with the Spanish Government’s efforts to fight the Coronavirus.

In two independent projects, the wine producers are lending equipment, facilities and expertise to help tackle the pandemic.

In Penedès in Catalonia Familia Torres has joined a local community project supported by the Vilafranca City Council and local police to provide 3D-printed protective equipment for medical staff.

The family-owned winery is producing part of the face shields, specifically the headband that holds the protective shield in place.  Since last Thursday, the winery has produced more than 150 headbands and is also collaborating in their assembly. The equipment will be delivered to the Hospital Comarcal de l’Alt Penedès and other county facilities, such as nursing homes and the Mas Albornà occupational center for people with disabilities.

The winery will be closed for the Easter holiday, but some members of the Familia Torres team will continue producing these components from home. After Easter, the winery will resume its activities.

‘Familia Torres will continue to collaborate in the fight against coronavirus with these and other actions in the weeks to come. In doing so, the winery joins the many efforts and initiatives by companies and individuals to support healthcare workers,’ it says.

Gonzalez Byass, meanwhile, has offered its production facilities in Chinchón (Madrid), Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) and the distillery Bodega Las Copas in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) to the Spanish Government for the manufacture of hand sanitiser.

The famous sherry producer has made its technical and human resources teams available for the manufacture and supply of sanitary alcohol and hydro-alcoholic gel across Spain.

‘The initiative stems from a desire to assist the public health sector with the containment of Covid-19, and to demonstrate our sincere gratitude to all of the people who are involved in the fight against the disease,’ says Gonzalez Byass.

Hands to the pump in the US

As similar initiative in California has been a number of wineries including E&J Gallo and Barton Family Wines and Krobar Distillery produce hand sanitiser for use by local public health agencies and emergency services.

Gallo has repurposed some of its distillery equipment for disinfectant manufacture and Barton Family Wines in Paso Robles reports to have produced 300 gallons of hand sanitiser so far with another 1,000 in production.

See also: Owner of Krug and Yquem to provide hand sanitiser for French hospitals

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