Chris Hardy is a judge at the 2025 Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA).
Chris Hardy
Chris Hardy joined Majestic as a trainee manager in July 1994, and moved into the buying department in June 1995. As Senior Buyer at Majestic for over 20 years, he bought wines from most regions of the world. However, being a true Francophile, he chose to focus on the classic regions of France and in particular the Loire, due to the diversity of wine styles produced in the region – not to mention the fact that he has a house there!
In September 2016, Chris bought the business of Loire specialist and courtier Charles Sydney and created Charles Sydney Wines Limited. This business is based in Hertfordshire with an office in Chinon. It represents around 75 of the Loire’s finest producers and sells to customers predominantly in the UK but also in Sweden, the USA, Japan and Australia. Customers range from independent wines merchants to wholesalers and multiple retailers.
Follow Chris on Instagram and look at his website here.
Chris Hardy was first a DWWA judge in 2013.
See more judges for 2025 DWWA.