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Sweet Slovenia over £10

Another sweet wine but who won the regional trophy for Slovenia (over £10)?

Šipon Strohwein 2009, Dveri-Pax

Dveri-Pax winery was established in 2002 by Benedict monks from the Austrian Admont monastery when they got their land back after denationalization. For your interest, Admont monastery owns the largest monastery library in the world. Dveri-Pax today cultivates 68 ha of vineyards and their aim is to get to around 100 ha.

Danilo Flakus current director and chief oenologist was the first employee back in 2003. Flakus is known for his meticulous work in vineyards where he brought in many innovations and good practices, like the tractor sprinklers with which you sprinkle every second row, saving time and money.

For the trophy winner, shoots were cut in October and were left aerating under the roof. In February they invited more than 50 friends from restaurants to do the “harvest”. “Berry by berry we selected only the best ones,” Flakus commented. Out of two tones of grapes in October they pressed out 100 litres. “It fermented in my office, Flakus” continued, in the cellar it was just too cold.
The jury was spoiled by choice when confronted with five gold medals for sweeties. 2009 Šipon Strohwein, Dveri-Pax was a unanimous winner. It has an amazing concentration with layers of dried fruits, flowers and orange-lemon fruits. Sweetness is greatly balanced by acidity which was the key here.

You can keep this one for decades.

Estimated retail price: 24 GBP for 0,2 litres bottle.
www.dveri-pax.com;  +386 2 644 00 82

Written by Robert Gorjak

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