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Italian wine stockists

5RW 5 Reasons Wine, Tunbridge Wells (01892 521 222)

Adv Amordivino.co.uk (01784 441 965)

AGW AG Wines (agwines.com)

Ant Antique Wine Company, London (020 7359 1109)

Arm John Armit, London W11 (020 7908 0600)

Ast Astrum Wine Cellars, London SW18 (020 8870 5252)

AVW AdVintage Wines, London (020 8286 0089)

AWO Australian Wines Online, Leyland (01772 422 996)

Bat Bat & Bottle, Oakham (01572 759 735 / www.batwine.co.uk)

BBR Berry Bros & Rudd, London SW1 (0800 280 2440)

Bdi Bordeaux Index, London EC1 (020 7269 0700)

Ben Bennetts Wines, Glos (01386 840 392)

Bib Bibendum, London NW1 (020 7449 4120)

BWC Berkmann Wine Cellars, London N7

C&B Corney & Barrow branches (020 7265 2400)

CeD Caviste (formerly The Cellar Door), Overton (01256 770 397)

Che Cheers Wine Merchants, Swansea (01792 403 895)

CkO Corks out (01925 267 700)

CkW www.corkingwines.com (01904 622 574)

CLa Colasanti, Surrey (01483 527707)

CPy Les Caves de Pyrene, Guildford (01483 554 750)

Crk Corks of Cotham, Bristol (0117 973 1620)

DBy D Byrne & Co, Lancs (01200 423 152)

Dvo D’Vino Wines (020 8968 5605 / www.dvino.co.uk)

Edn Edencroft Fine Wines, Cheshire (01270 629 975)

Eto Eton Vintners, Berks (0800 056 0770 / 01753 790 197)

Euw Eurowines, London SW1 (0870 162 1420)

Evy everywine.co.uk

F&F Field & Fawcett Wine Merchants & Delicatessen Ltd, York (01904 489 073)

F&M Fortnum & Mason, London W1 (020 7734 8040)

F&R Fine & Rare Wines, London W10 (020 8960 1995)

Far Farr Vintners, London SW8 (020 7821 2000)

FLC Flying Corkscrew, Herts (01442 412 312)

FMV Fields, Morris & Verdin, London SW8 (020 7819 0360)

Fou Four Walls Wine, Sussex (01243 535 360)

Gdh Goedhuis, London SW8 (020 7793 7900)

GiW www.gooditalianwine.com (0800 078 75 65)

Goo www.goodwineonline.co.uk

Grr Richard Granger (Personal Wine Merchant), Newcastle (0191 281 5000)

GWW Great Western Wines, Somerset (01225 322 800)

Hai Hailsham Cellars, E Sussex (01323 441 212 / winedirect.co.uk)

Han Handford South Kensington, London SW7 (020 7589 6113)

Har Harrods, London SW1 (020 7730 1234)

Hax Halifax Wine Company (01422 256 333)

HBJ HBJ Wines & Spirits, Suffolk (01473 232 322) and London SE1 (020 7922 1610)HcW Hic Wine Merchants (www.hic-winemerchants.com)

Hed Hedley Wright, Herts (01279 465 818)

Hen Charles Hennings Vintners, W Sussex (01798 872 485)

HHC Haynes, Hanson & Clark, Glos (01451 870 808) or London SW3 (020 7584 7927)

Hig Highbury Vintners, London (020 7226 1347)

HiL George Hill, Leics (01509 212 717)

HvN Harvey Nichols, London SW1 (020 7201 8537)

ICS Italian Continental Stores, Maidenhead (01628 770 110)

Imb Imbibros, Godalming (01483 861 164)

Ind Indigo Wine, London SW (020 7733 8391)

ItD Italian Deli, Biggleswade (0844 567 0154)

J&B Justerini & Brooks, London SW1 (020 7484 6400)

Kev www.kevinorourkewines.co.uk

L&W Lay & Wheeler, Essex (0845 330 1855)

Lai Laithwaites Wine (0870 444 8383)

Lay Laytons Wine Merchants (mail order) (020 7288 8880)

Lng Longford Wines, (mail order) (01273 400 012)

M&S Marks & Spencer stores (020 7935 4422)

Maj Majestic Wine Warehouses (01923 298 200)

Mar Martinez Fine Wines branches (01943 603 241)

McF Marc Fine Wines, London (020 7856 9210)

MCW Matthew Clark, Bristol (01275 891400)

MiG Mille Gusti, London (020 8997 3932)

Mon Mondial Wine Ltd, Surrey (020 8655 8210 / www.mondialwine.co.uk)

N&P Nickolls & Perks, W Mids (01384 394 518)

Neb Nebuchadnezzar Wines (020 7288 6660/www.nezzar.com)

NoG Noble Green, Middlesex (020 8979 1113)

Ong Ongar Wines, London and Essex (01277 365 116)

P&R Peckham & Rye, Glasgow (0141 445 4555)

PrV Premier Vintners, London (020 8870 3550)

PuW Pure Wines. Camborne, Cornwall (01209 712 503)

PWt Peter Watkins (01604 882 370)

Quf Quaff Fine Wine Merchant, Hove (01273 820 320)

Rsv Reserve Wines, Manchester (0161 483 0101)

Sai Sainsbury’s supermarkets (020 7695 6000)

ScC The Secret Cellar, Kent (01892 537 981)

SLp www.slurp.co.uk, London (08445 445 464)

SmG Smiling Grape Company, Cambs (01480 403100)

Smp The Sampler, Islington (020 7226 9500)

Snt Stainton Wines Ltd, Cumbria (01539 731 886)

SoC Sommeliers choice, London SE25 (020 8689 9643)

SoD South Downs Cellars, W Sussex (01273 833 830)

SpD Speck Delicatessen, London W11 (020 7229 7005)

Swg Swig, London W4 (0800 0272 272)

SWS Soho Wine Supply, London (020 7636 8490)

Tau Taurus Wines Limited, Surrey (01483 548 484)

TDS www.thedrinkshop.com (0800 169 6760)

Ten Ten-Acre Wines, Epping (01992 618 017)

Tes Tesco supermarkets (01992 632 222)

ThW The Wine Shop, Huddersfield (01484 510700)

TSW The Sussex Wine Co (0132 343 1143)

Tut Tuttitalia, London (07737 129014)

TWL The Wine Library, London EC3 (020 7481 0415)

Unc Uncorked, London EC2 (020 7638 5998)

Vig Viaggia Vino, Surrey (0780 915 4638)

Vin Vinum, London W5 (020 8891 6010)

Vir www.virginwines.com (0870 164 9593)

Vis Vinceremos, Leeds (0800 107 3086)

VVi In Vino Veritas, Staffordshire (01827 899 449)

Vyd The Vineyard, Dorking (01306 876 828)

WaD Waitrose Direct, (mail order) (0800 188 881)

WaW Warehouse Wines, Preston Lancaster (0845 620 9950 / www.warehousewines.co.uk)

WBr WoodWinters, Bridge of Allan (01786 834 894)

WDi Wine Direct (www.winedirect.co.uk)

Wdn Wooden Wine Box, Tunbridge Wells (01892 530 724) www.woodenwinebox.co.uk)

WFM Whole Foods Market, London (020 7368 4500)

WGV The Wine Grapevine, (www.winegrapevine.co.uk)

Woi Wines of Interest, Suffolk (01473 406 611)

WSo The Wine Society, Herts (01438 741 177)

WtB Worth Brothers, Lichfield (01543 262 051)

WUf Wines Unfurled, Harlington Wine Ltd (01844 202 606)

WTr Wine Treasury, London SW8 (020 7793 9999)

You Noel Young, Cambridge (01223 566 744)

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