Chateau La Serre

Address: Château La Serre 33330 Saint-Emilion France

Telephone: +33 (0)5 57 24 71 38



Visits: By appointment only

Details: Grand Cru Classé, Saint-Emilion, 7ha, clay-limestone

Vineyards: Merlot Noir 80%, Cabernet 20%.


The estate, on the eastern side of Saint-Emilion’s limestone plateau between Villamaurine and Trottevieille, has passed through many different hands in its long history, including those of Albert Macquin, founder Château Pavie-Macquin. It was bought in 1956 by Bernard d’Arfeuille, and today his son Luc d’Arfeuille is at the helm. The château itself was built at the end of the 17th century by Romain de Labeyme, a descendent of a long line of Bordeaux aldermen, mayors and barristers.


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Tasting notes:

2008 en primeur

2007 en primeur

2006 panel tasting

2005 en primeur

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