Wine Paris 2025, the wine and spirit industry's premier event, prepares to welcome the world to the 'city of lights'.
Once again, Wine Paris has received the endorsement of producers from across the globe, giving the 2025 exhibition unprecedented international reach.
Spread over three halls, the event will be dedicated to the 50 producer countries represented, with several countries significantly increasing their floor space this year, including Germany (+65%), Austria (+35%), China (+60%), Spain (+40%), Portugal (+61%) and Romania (+75%). Italy has once again doubled its exhibition area and is all-set to host 30 regional pavilions, taking up an entire hall (Hall 6).
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Wine Paris will also welcome numerous new international pavilions this year: South Africa, Argentina, Armenia, Chile, Hungary, North Macedonia, Uruguay and, most notably, Australia, resulting in a four-fold increase in the exhibition space in 2025. Naturally, French attendance is the event’s backbone, and it is due to see a 7% increase in the country’s producer numbers. Gathered in Hall 7, all of France’s marketing boards will be attending.

Credit: Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris.
Be Spirits, the place to be for all spirits from around the world
Be Spirits – an event within the event – will showcase the global spirits industry, which is extremely bullish, thanks to increased market demand for diversity and quality.
Be Spirits will welcome distributors, barmen and experts from across the globe, along with over 200 producers – 38% of them newcomers and another 30% hailing from 27 countries around the world (as of 8 November 2024) – at its core. A range of 47 types of spirits will be on display, including Armagnac, baiju, brandy, Calvados, Cognac, gin, malt, mezcal, pastis, rum, sake, soju, tequila, umeshu, vermouth and vodka.
In 2025, the No/Low drinks range exhibited will be expanding (producers registered have increased by 50% to date), mirroring new consumption patterns (de-alcoholised spirits, RTDs, etc.), whilst the floor space taken up by beers and ciders will increase.
Last but not least, the event will feature the Infinite Bar, with 20 bars spanning over 40 metres. It promises to offer a unique feast for the eyes and reveal the creativity of the top mixologists.
Through Be Spirits, Vinexposium – the event organiser – is able to extend its reach to the entire beverage alcohol sector, from traditional offerings across to the no-low category.

The 40-metre long Infinite Bar. Credit: Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris
La Nouvelle Vague
Just like the French New Wave revolutionised cinema, La Nouvelle Vague at Wine Paris shines a spotlight on a dynamic new generation of wine growers. This dedicated platform is designed for emerging producers, who have been in business for less than five years, providing them with the opportunity to showcase their first vintages and connect with distributors from around the world.
Producers from across the globe, including saké makers, can exhibit under the Nouvelle Vague banner, finding distribution opportunities to kickstart their business.
Each exhibitor is provided with an individual counter, ensuring they can present their wines in ideal conditions, to an audience of qualified distributors.
The Academy
The Academy offers industry professionals a unique opportunity to participate in high-level masterclasses, conferences and tastings. The audience has the chance to meet renowned wine and spirits experts, sommeliers and mixologists, who will provide key insights to better understand the challenges and opportunities shaping the future of the wine and spirits world.