All Bordeaux 2023 coverage:
Verdict & top-scoring wines | How the weather conditions shaped the vintage | Decoding the yields | Wine styles: what to expect
Appellation analysis
St-Estèphe | St-Julien | Pauillac | Margaux | Pessac-Léognan | St-Emilion | Haut-Médoc | Dry whites | Top value | Sauternes & Barsac
Pomerol: Cooler soils performed best
All Bordeaux 2023 coverage:
Verdict & top-scoring wines | How the weather conditions shaped the vintage | Decoding the yields | Wine styles: what to expect
Appellation analysis
St-Estèphe | St-Julien | Pauillac | Margaux | Pessac-Léognan | St-Emilion | Haut-Médoc | Dry whites | Top value | Sauternes & Barsac
Average yield: 45.2hl/ha
Variance from 2022: +39%